Activities at the Heart of Care

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Activities at the Heart of Care

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This learning resource is packed with ideas about how to put activity at the heart of care for quality of life. 

CD with flipbook version

A comprehensive learning resource packed with ideas about how to put activity at the heart of care for quality of life. This 145 page learning pack includes many different activity ideas and how to involve people with different levels of dementia.  An invaluable tool for anyone involved in creating activity programmes for older people and for supporting staff learning in the workplace. The pack is filled with practical ideas, checklists and worksheets with detailed guidance. 

‘It is easy to look at, straightforward and simply laid out… It lays out exactly what to do for someone new to the role…There are lots of ideas and prompts…There are nice communication points for those with dementia…If we use PALS it will tell us ideas for activities for individuals…The appendices are good.’ - Jane Glassey, Activity Co-coordinator, Olivet, March 2012 

What will you learn?

  • How to deliver person centred outcomes with a special focus on dementia careHow to deliver quality of life outcomes -Provide evidence for person centred activities -Create relationship based communities

  • Tips to help residents adapt to care home living

  • What to assess and how to do it

  • Types of activities to consider

  • How to provide activities to people at different stages of dementia

  • Tips to help new activity leaders

  • Delivering well-being outcomes

  • Integrating daily living activity into care plan

  • Drawing up an activity charter

  • Engaging empathetically with people who have dementia

  • Checklist to help you involve your local community

  • Life story work

  • Activity recipes for people with dementia 

‘It is a really wonderful resource and I will certainly use it….. It feels like everything I have read about activities is in one place which is a great bonus, instead of reading bits and pieces from everywhere. I would say a brilliant piece of work with lots of hands-on guidance.’ - Anne Topping, Head of Therapy, Nightingale, London