
Managers and staff can work co-operatively with the Person’s relatives and support them in fulfilling their visiting roles in the ways both they and the Person wish. Staff are able to work through concerns with the person’s relatives in positive ways building their trust and confidence in the Home.

Participants:   relatives, managers, care leaders and staff in general 

Learning outcomes: participants will be able to: 

1.      List ways to support relatives in helping shape the care and experience of their resident

2.      Identify potential barriers that discourage relatives from actively participating in home life

3.      Outline a range of methods for seeking the views of relatives and involving them as partners in influencing home life

4.      Explain the benefits of offering regular opportunities for relatives to meet together with staff to discuss home life and offer constructive suggestions

5.      Describe strategies which help ensure relatives meetings are an effective way of involving friends and family members

6.      Offer relatives opportunities to contribute in practical ways to building home life, through sharing their skills, interests and community links

7.      Identify a learning need and agree an action plan with a timescale for completion 

360 Forward courses and the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF): a perfect fit. Intermediate courses are designed to be responsive to employers and individual staff needs. In line with the QCF each course contains learning outcomes and assessment criteria.